Monday, May 3, 2010

contractions of breath

I played witness to my own souls awakening. I watched as the sacred garden reveal its secrets to me. My sacred centers opened so delicately. I don't think words can do justice to what I experienced this past weekend. How will I ever repay all of you for what you shared and what you created within me.
I am forever changed.
At one point when we were working on our heart chakra I had a vision so beautiful. As anahata opened I saw a wooden door. Covered in green foliage. I opened this door. Behind it was a woman. Was it me? Was it my mother? Was it both? Her long dark curls and her shoulders blanketed in heavy woolen shawls. That familiar Irish smile and eyes that twinkle like stars. She held out her hand. Leaves of green came bursting out of her palms. Lush and beautiful. She said to me "welcome". And my eyes were flooded with tears of joy. This image is burned into my soul.

During Kriya meditation: My body begins to get really hot. The hairs on my body stand electrified. I am buzzing. My spine is on fire. I feel this warm liquid falling over my shoulders and down my back. The palms of my hands filling with energy vibrations that feel like ocean waves. My feet are so heavy I feel like I have been rooted so far into the earth I can feel the heat of it's core. Amazing!

So much awakening took place.

Svadhisthana: I was able to reconnect with the birth of my son. When my son was born I had to hold him in until I reached the hospital. He literally had bruises on his head. 30 minutes in the car in rush hour traffic...and he was ready to emerge. I held it. I breathed through it. By the time my husband got me to the hospital Liam was born within 4 minutes. I had held on to that sensation of holding him in for so long.. the exquisite pain of birthing a child.  I surrendered completely in frog pose. I allowed myself to feel my hips open and my inner thighs release. I am a mother!

 Thank you D'ana. Thank you for being in this world and sharing your gifts. I hope to take what I learned from this weekend and share it in my own healing work. You have inspired me in so many ways. That beautiful little girl who doesn't smile. Who feels like no one gets her...I see you. I feel you and I love you.
What an honor it was to be lead through my sacred centers by such a compassionate soul...
But I still want to kick your ass for putting me in paschimottanasana for 12 hellacious  minutes!
I bow to you. In honor and grace.


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