Monday, March 29, 2010

Yoga Buffet?

 I recently began to read Autobiography of a Yogi. Everytime I finish a chapter I am left contemplating the nature of yoga. What began as a way to connect with the divine has over time develpoed into a buffet of styles. When someone asks me what type of yoga I practie or study I am preplexed at how to answer them. And I am pretty sure my facial expresstion looks somewhat like this...
I am not trying to knock all the beautiful variations of yoga, or those creative spirits that have developed unique methods of this ancient practice.
 I just want to practice yoga...
...scratch that. I want to be yoga!
I was talking with a friend last night about yoga. We were discussing our innocence to it. Neither of use knowing all the "famous" yoga names or styles. I actually like being less educated on who is who in the yoga world. I think if I read up too much on this style or that style or who is taking the yoga world by storm...well it takes away from what I feel is the essence of yoga. The union between myself and divinity.
to be continued...


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