Monday, March 15, 2010

Yogier than thou...I think not!

A few days ago I was headed off to work. My mother bless her heart, came down to babysit the kids. As I was gathering up my belongings she looked at me (as only a mother can do) and said, "you look so yoga". It took me off gaurd for a minute because I wasn't sporting any om symbols or wearing yoga clothes. I had on my typical black tank and a pair of wide leg jeans. I looked at her (as only a daughter can do) and defensivley said, "I do not, I look like I always do!" She laughed and I tried to ignore her comment.
So what does this have to do with yoga teacher training? Well, for starters, I don't want to be categorized and one of those I only shop at Whole Foods with my recycled grocery sacks, while chanting mantras and selecting only the finest organic fruits and vegtables types. Ok that seems a bit stereotypical (and a bit judgemental). But come on. Some of you know what I am getting at here. I got to thinking about my perceptions of Yoga. Before I started teachers training I had very limited experience with Yoga. I had only been to a couple classes and the idea of being in a room with flexible bendy types scared the shit outta me.
I got into the physical (hatha) practice of yoga becuase I wanted to dive deeper into my own healing process.
When you progress through a yoga practice, your body naturally begins to loosen up. Then all those "life" issues  begin to free themselves from being stored in muscles/ligaments, etc. What begins to happen is RELEASE. It can be quite scary to let go emotionally. But once you hit that point- surrender to it. Let go and let flow!
I have no intentions of becoming a yoga snob. I hope to always remain grounded and compassionate about yoga because it has been a valuable tool for healing. I am not jumping on the yoga band wagon because it is the hip thing to do, but rather so I can help others.
With that said...Mom I love and adore you, but please don't give me anymore shit about "looking" yoga.


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